Calculate your company's carbon footprint with our easy-to-use calculators

Carbon footprint information is now being asked from many directions. EU legislation obliges more and more companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions, customers ask companies for emission information, and pioneering companies take climate issues into account in everything they do. Manage your company's emission reduction efforts using the carbon footprint platform.

All prices exclude VAT (VAT 0%).


Enterprise subscription

Unlimited access to tools and emissions database

  • Corporate emissions calculator, GHG Protocol
  • Carbon footprint calculator, ISO 14067
  • Over 4,500 validated emission factors
  • Carbon handprint calculator
  • Commissioning training (2 h)
  • Help desk services

Comply with CSRD and ESRS E1 requirements

5.000 €

/12 Months

Customized calculator

Browser-based carbon footprint calculator tailored to your needs

  • Calculator for the entire product range
  • Pre-selected emission factors
  • Easy-to-use and cost-effective
  • Aligned with the company's brand identity
  • Annual update of emission factors
  • Learn more

Does not require previous calculation experience

From 10.000 €

+ annual fee from 2.500 €

Consultant subscription

Create and sell an unlimited number of calculations to customers

  • Corporate emissions calculator, GHG Protocol
  • Carbon footprint calculator, ISO 14067
  • Over 4,500 validated emission factors
  • Carbon handprint calculator
  • Commissioning training (3 h)
  • Help desk services

Comply with CSRD and ESRS E1 requirements

12.000 €

/12 Months

Greenhouse gas inventory

The GHG inventory covers the emissions of the whole organisation.

  • Carbon footprint calculation of companies
  • Carbon footprint calculation of products and services
  • Our calculations are based on the most well-known standards in the field.
  •'s emissions database and tools are used in the calculations.

From 10.000 €

Carbon handprint calculation

Carbon handprint describes the positive climate effects of a certain product, service or company.

  • The carbon handprint analysis is based on the methodology of VTT and LUT University.
  • The carbon handprint can be used, for example, in communicating the product's climate benefits to customers.

From 10.000 €

CO2 calculator for meals

Easy-to-use CO2 calculator for restaurants

  • Calculate the emissions of the meals served by your restaurant.
  • Plan for meals with lower emissions.
  • Browser-based and quick-to-use tool for monitoring and planning the emissions of meals.
  • Learn more.

495 €

/12 Months

ESRS E1 compliant calculation

We carry out calculations in accordance with ESRS E1.

  • The calculations are carried out by experts. We plan the implementation of the calculation together with you.
  •'s emissions database and tools are used in the calculations.
  • You will receive a clear and readable report of the project.

From 20.000 €

Scope 3 calculation for companies

We carry out scope 3 (supply chain) carbon footprint calculations for companies.

Our calculations are always based on the most well-known standards in the field.'s emissions database and tools are used in the calculations.

You will receive a clear and readable report as a result.

From 10.000 €